At Foxhole Learning Academy, we actively encourage the wearing of School Uniform.
Our uniform provider, Cornwall Screenprint, are based in St Austell. 01726 68689.
Order via their website here
Uniform can also be ordered at their online shop.
Grey Trousers
White shirt or polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt
Sunhats/caps are encouraged to be worn at playtime.
Grey skirt or grey trousers
White shirt or polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan
SUMMER: Blue and white check dress
Sunhats/caps are encouraged to be worn at playtime.
Sensible black shoes should worn with toes and heels enclosed to avoid accidents and damage to feet (we do not encourage trainers or any other form of footwear.)
School is a lively place and children need to wear shoes that enable them to fully participate and remain safe. Crocs, flip-flops, open toe/heel sandals etc. are not acceptable. Please provide your child with a pair of wellies (to be kept in school), which will be worn outdoors.
Physical Education:
Black shorts and plain white t-shirt or white Foxhole Logo t-shirt.
Black plimsolls.
For outdoor P.E during the winter, jogging bottoms or leggings are ideal.
P.E kit should be kept in school and taken home at half-term.
All children need a P.E bag and a book bag (available to purchase from our uniform provider.)
Please mark all clothing with the child's name.
We would ask for NO jewellery, other than stud earrings and watches to be worn in school. We will ask children to remove jewellery worn until home time.
Hair that is longer than shoulder length should be tied back. This helps to prevent the spread of headlice and ensures that hair does not impede the children's progress.